Monday 27 July 2015

Talks on Cypriot Problem : “the leaders agreed that the individual`s right to property is respected”.

President of the Republic Nicos Anastasiades and Turkish Cypriot leader, Mustafa Akinci, agreed that the individual’s right to property is respected, during their meeting on Monday, the last before the summer holidays.

In remarks after the leaders` meeting at UN Protected Area in Nicosia, the UN Secretary-General`s Special Advisor, Espen Barth Eide said the leaders on Monday continued to make progress towards their shared vision of a united, federal Cyprus.

He said the meeting today focused on issues of property and criteria on territory and “the leaders agreed that the individual`s right to property is respected”.

Eide explained that there shall be different alternatives for the regulation of the exercise of this right” with dispossessed owners and current users having various choices regarding their claims to affected properties. “These different choices shall include compensation, exchange and reinstatement. The exercise of any such choice shall be subject to agreed criteria. There shall be a list of categories of affected properties” he said and there shall be an “independent Property Commission mandated to resolve property claims based on mutually agreed criteria. The Property Commission shall comprise of equal number of Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot members”.

The UN envoy said Akinci and Anastasiades welcomed the appointment of Peter Van Nuffel as the Personal Representative of the president of the European Commission to the UN Good Offices Mission in Cyprus and were also briefed on the informal consultations held with the UN Security Council last week. “They welcomed the strong expression of support of the members of the Council for a settlement in Cyprus”, said Eide.

Eide said the leaders also underlined their commitment to maintain the momentum of the process and that the next meetings will be held on the 1st and 14th of September. Meanwhile, the negotiators will continue to meet intensively between leaders` meetings in support of this endeavour and over the coming days, they will have joint sessions with the Working Groups on European Union Matters, Property and the Economy to more effectively guide their work.

The UN envoy announced that in the prevailing positive climate, Anastasiades and Akinci, will on Tuesday participate in a musical event at the Othello Tower as agreed by the Technical Committee on Culture.

Meanwhile, in his remarks after returning to the Presidential Palace, President Anastasiades said the talks today took place in the same good atmosphere.

He also said Eide`s statement “speaks for itself.”

Cyprus has been divided since 1974 when Turkey invaded and occupied its northern third. The leaders of the two communities, President Anastasiades and Turkish Cypriot leader Akinci have been engaged in UN-backed talks since mid May with the aim to reunite the island under a federal roof.

   Source : CNA(Cyprus News Agency )



Tuesday 7 July 2015

Greece debt crisis: France presses to keep Greece in eurozone

France will do all it can to keep Greece in the eurozone, because allowing it to leave would be too risky,  FRENCH PM Manuel Valls has said.
"The basis for a deal exists," he said, ahead of an emergency eurozone summit in Brussels.
However, Germany has warned against any unconditional debt write-off.
Eurozone ministers have called on Greece to put forward fresh proposals after Greek voters rejected the latest draft bailout deal in a referendum.
Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras met Greek political party leaders on Monday and headed to Brussels on Tuesday morning, where he is expected to present new proposals.
Source: BBC NEWS