Saturday 8 November 2014

Volunteers of the Multicultural Centre of Lahti .. are against to the recommendation for moving Lahti s Multicultural Centre to Samonkatu..

Preparations continued  today by volunteers Multi-Culti Multicultural Centre of Lahti,  . The protest or demonstration is on Monday 10.11. at 5pm in front of City Hall. People start gathering on Monday in Multi-Culti at 4pm and walk together to City Hall. Your are warmly welcome to join the volunteers and other supporters of the center. The demonstration will be peaceful and have a lot of good spirit and joy with small performance.

The protest is  taking place on the recommendation of the  Youth  Services of  Lahti  to transfer the  Multi-Culti  to another area,  using the excuse  that by moving Multi Culti to their headquarters  will save  money for the municipality which  will have benefits from the rental of the place where Multiculti is situated today.

The recommendation of Lahti s Youth Services is “argued” not approved   by all those involved in the operation   the Centre, because the moving  to the suggested  area will create many problems in its functioning ..
It should also be noted that the operation of the center is  largely based on the availability of foreign  and  local volunteers and  specifically for immigrants  it an oasis  or as correctly quoted by the Volunteer from Rumania  Lumi Vallius  Multi-Culti  is  a home for immigrants far away from  home..  

For The Voice of Lahti
Arthur  J.Tilley
Lahti Finland  08.11.2014 ..

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