Wednesday 10 December 2014


Santa Claus, also known as Saint Nicholas, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle and simply "Santa", is a figure with legendary, historical and folkloric origins who, in many Western cultures, is said to bring gifts to the homes of the good children on 24 December, the nightbefore Christmas Day. However, in some European countries children receive their presents on St. Nicholas' Day, 6 December.
The modern figure of Santa Claus is derived from the Dutch figure of Sinterklaas, whose name is a dialectal pronunciation of Saint Nicholas, the historical Greek bishop and gift-giver of Myra.


Human Rights Day is celebrated annually across the world on 10 December.
The date was chosen to honour the United Nations General Assembly's adoption and proclamation, on 10 December 1948, of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights(UDHR)

Tuesday 2 December 2014

International Day of People with Disability

International Day of People with Disability (December 3) is an international observance promoted by the United Nations since 1992. It has been celebrated with varying degrees of success around the planet. The observance of the Day aims to promote an understanding of disability issues and mobilize support for the dignity, rights and well-being of persons with disabilities. It also seeks to increase awareness of gains to be derived from the integration of persons with disabilities in every aspect of political, social, economic and cultural life. It was originally called "International Day of Disabled Persons". Each year the day focuses on a different issue.
Themes from previous years
·         1998: "Arts, Culture and Independent Living"
·         1999: "Accessibility for all for the new Millennium"
·         2000: "Making information technologies work for all"
·         2001: "Full participation and equality: The call for new approaches to assess progress and evaluate outcome"
·         2002: "Independent Living and Sustainable Livelihoods"
·         2003: "A Voice of our Own"
·         2004: "Nothing about Us, Without Us"
·         2005: "Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Action in Development"
·         2006: "E-Accessibility"
·         2007: "Decent Work for Persons with Disabilities"
·         2008: "Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Dignity and justice for all of us"
·         2009: "Making the MDGs Inclusive: Empowerment of persons with disabilities and their communities around the world"
·         2010: "Keeping the promise: Mainstreaming disability in the Millennium Development Goals towards 2015 and beyond" [4]
·         2011: "Together for a better world for all: Including persons with disabilities in development"[5]
·         2012: "Removing barriers to create an inclusive and accessible society for all"[6][7]
·         2013: "Break Barriers, Open Doors: for an inclusive society and development for all"[8]
·         2014: "Sustainable development: The promise of technology..


Lebanese authorities have arrested a wife of ISIS leaderAbu Bakr al-Baghdadi -

The source described her as a "powerful figure (who is) heavily involved in ISIS." Not much is known about the reported wife, including what her involvement is with the terrorist group, if any.

Sunday 30 November 2014

ΙΤΑLY : 13 dead after being injected with influenza vaccine

ΙΤΑLY : In 13 dead after administration of influenza vaccine
Source  Ikypros CNA / AP

The number of people who died Italy  after using influenza vaccine manufactured by Swiss pharmaceutical company Novartis was 13, was announced  yesterday by the competent  Italian authorities.

The National Medicines Agency Italy (AIFA) urged citizens not to panic and noted that there are still no evidence that the vaccine is responsible for  the  deaths.




Adventti (lat. adventus Domini, ”Herran saapuminen / tuleminen”) tarkoittaa joulua edeltävää vajaan neljän viikon jaksoa kristillisessäkirkollisessa kalenterissa. Läntisten kirkkojen kirkkovuosi on keskiajan lopulta lähtien alkanut ensimmäisestä adventtisunnuntaista[1], joka on aikaisintaan 27. marraskuuta ja viimeistään 3. joulukuuta. Adventtisunnuntait ovat neljä joulua edeltävää sunnuntaita. jokaisena sunnuntaina sytytetään adventtikynttilä.

Saturday 29 November 2014

A woman who says she is a former Nasa employee has claimed she saw humans on MARS 35 years ago.

A woman who says she is a former Nasa employee has claimed she saw humans on MARS 35 years ago. (video)

The lady, known only as Jackie, insisted she had seen suited men running on the surface of the Red Planet when she called up US radio station Coast to Coast AM.
Jackie said she was working as part of a team downloading data from a Viking Lander when she saw the humans on a live feed.
She asked the presenter: "I wonder if you could solve a 27-year-old mystery for me.
"That old Viking rover was running around.
"Then I saw two men in space suits - not the bulky suits we normally used, but they looked protective.

Source MIRROR...

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Putin meets Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallemin

Moscow: President Vladimir Putin on today  hosted Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallemin his first meeting with a top envoy from Damascus since the old Moscow ally plunged into civil war more than three years ago.
But the high-stakes discussion was held behind closed doors and neither side disclosed its details.
"The meeting was devoted to Russian-Syrian relations," the Kremlin said in a two-sentence statement issued after Muallem`s visit to Putin`s Black Sea retreat in Sochi.
Russian news agencies quoted Muallem as saying only that the meeting was "very productive".
Images distributed by Putin`s office showed Muallem also meeting his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov.
Russian officials earlier said they intended to offer Moscow as the venue for a restart of abandoned peace talks between the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and various opposition groups.
Two previous rounds of Syria peace negotiations in Geneva in June 2012 and last January ended in failure and no new meetings in Switzerland are currently being planned.
Russian news reports quoted Lavrov as saying after the meeting that no new Geneva talks were possible at this time.
But he fell short of formally offering Moscow as the venue for future contacts.
"If you think that a conference will be announced similar to the one that was held in ... January this year with the participation of 50-odd states, thousands of journalists, bright lights, there won`t be such a conference," Interfax quoted Lavrov as saying.
"Considering the conflicts that have built up over recent years, considering the persistent attempts at external interference in the Syrian conflict, it is clear that (preparations for direct negotiations) are far from simple and will need time."
Muallem was quoted earlier this month in Lebanon`s Al-Akhbar newspaper as saying that he would raise the issue of Russia`s stalled shipment of sophisticated S-300 missiles to protect Syrian forces from possible US air strikes.
Russia -- now embroiled in a major diplomatic row with the West over Ukraine -- suspended their delivery in 2013 under pressure from Israel and the United States.
Lavrov was quoted only as saying that "Russia will continue helping Syria protect itself against terrorism."
The multi-sided Syrian conflict has killed more than 195,000 people and forced millions from their homes since it began in early 2011 as an uprising against Assad`s regime.
Syrian rebel leaders have paid a series of brief visits to Moscow that only highlighted stark differences between the two sides.
The fractured opposition is furious at Russia for providing Assad`s forces with weapons and offering diplomatic backing for Syria at the United Nations.
Moscow in turn accuses the rebels of rejecting political dialogue and in some cases engaging in terrorism.
Damascus was an important Middle East ally of Moscow in the Soviet era.
Russia and Iran remain two of the most important and powerful friends of the Assad regime.
SOURCE :Zeenews..

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Finland seeking for Greek doctors and nurses to work in Finnish hospitals.

Άρθουρ Τίλλευ
The website of the Employment Agency / EURES,  has published that there are 18,000 available positions  for doctors and Nurses
It seems that, despite the gains ranging around 6,000 euros for 37.5 hours per week

Sunday 16 November 2014

Restaurant day at Multiculti.. Ravintola päivä Multicultissa

Continuing the tradition of the last few years  Multiculti in Lahti organized last Saturday a Restaurant Day..
As always it was a very successful event .
The Voice of Lahti  was there and covered the event as you can see from the photos

Jatkuvat perinne  Multiculti Lahdessa järjestettiin viime lauantaina Ravintola päivä . Kuten aina se oli erittäin onnistunut tapahtuma. Lahden Ääni (The Voice of Lahti) oli siellä ja katettu tapahtuma kuin voit nähdä kuvia.

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Archaeologists in Greece have found an ancient skeleton and grave in the northern
city of Amphipolis.

Speculation is running wild about who could be buried there.
Decorative bone and glass fragments that adorned the coffin suggest the tomb was a very prominent figure perhaps connected to Alexander the Great.
A lot of marble indicates it was expensive to build.

The tomb in Amphipolis has been gradually unearthed over the last two years.
The ministry of culture said it’s the biggest tomb found in Greece and is a find of major significance.
Archaeologists had already discovered a colourful detailed floor mosaic depicting the mythological tale of the abduction of Persephone. Two winged sphinxes and two tall Caryatid statues were also found.
The tomb is thought to have been built in the 4th Century B.C. around the reign of the warrior emperor Alexander the Great.
Copyright © 2014 euronews

Tuesday 11 November 2014


The Voice of Lahti is here to stay. A Blog that appeals to people who live in Lahti. Our main goal is to try to keep you informed about what is going on in our Town.

Monday 10 November 2014

Successful Protest by volunteers of the Multicultural Center of Lahti ..

Arthur Tilley

Utilizing recent decision the volunteer s members of the Multicultural Centre of Lahti made late  in the afternoon a protest outside the town hall of the City.
Holding banners with slogans in English, Finnish, Russian, Spanish, Greek  they  demanded from  the Municipal Council which was  in session at the time, not to accept to discuss the proposal to move the Multicultural Centre of Lahti in another area.

Saturday 8 November 2014

Volunteers of the Multicultural Centre of Lahti .. are against to the recommendation for moving Lahti s Multicultural Centre to Samonkatu..

Preparations continued  today by volunteers Multi-Culti Multicultural Centre of Lahti,  . The protest or demonstration is on Monday 10.11. at 5pm in front of City Hall. People start gathering on Monday in Multi-Culti at 4pm and walk together to City Hall. Your are warmly welcome to join the volunteers and other supporters of the center. The demonstration will be peaceful and have a lot of good spirit and joy with small performance.