Saturday 3 January 2015


74 per cent of Finnish  citizens believe that the president Sauli Niinistö  has operated  correctly in the Russian-Finnish policy interests . The results  were shown today  in  the  economic research  commissioned  by the newspaper  Iltalehti .  43 per cent  of the respndents feel that Niinistö should, however, be more closely contacted the Russian president Vladimir Putin. The majority of citizens feel that Niinistö does not contribute to the so-called Finlandisation. Only 14 percent of respondents are of the opinion that Niinistö has given the impression that Finland would give Russia too much influence in Finnish politics. The study also touched upon NATO. 59 percent of citizens support Niinistö's view that Finland is not applying the prevailing conditions for NATO membership.
A clear minority, or 29 per cent of them would turn NATO's position, if Niinistö tickets would be clearly in favor of membership.
President Niinistö receives in  the survey citizens overall grade eight plus. For example, the President of Finland Tarja Halonen got  in  her own office Taloustutkimus  at the end of October 2011 study, only  grade 8.


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